On January 5, 2024, in recognition of exceptional performance and to motivate new hard-working employees, Gordon, the founder of GY Company, decided to hold the 2023 Annual Performance Commendation Conference. Employees of GY Company, along with some Alibaba staff, gathered to participate in the grand ceremony. The venue exuded a festive atmosphere, with GY employees displaying great enthusiasm, and the music spreading joy to all the colleagues attending the ceremony.
The conference kicked off at 3:30 in the afternoon with a warm-up game. Led by Alibaba staff, colleagues engaged in a passing game on their mobile phones, exchanging words of praise. The two colleagues who lost the game were punished by singing and hugging their peers in good spirits.
The highlight of the event was the grand award ceremony. Company founder Gordon delivered an important speech, offering sincere congratulations to the three employees who had achieved outstanding results. He then outlined several expectations: encouraging all employees to learn from their high-achieving colleagues, promoting unity and genuine cooperation, urging everyone to ask questions boldly and timeously when facing challenges, and fostering excellence for the common cause. Gordon presented generous awards to the three outstanding employees, while the remaining employees received prizes that left them satisfied. These rewards will serve as motivation for future success.
The event concluded with cheers and applause, greatly boosting the morale of the employees and inspiring them to continue their efforts and strive for even greater achievements in 2024.